Welcome to the 2024-2025 Sessions!
Learning Communities
Join a group that meets regularly for inspiration, learning, support, and practical guidance. You are a part of a community; even if you are brand new to this field or your position, we are here to grow together.
A Taste of Creating Intergenerational Experiences
Participants in this program will explore the why, what, and how of intergenerational experiences. We will also explore what it means to normalize the life cycle and combat ageism in Jewish early childhood education.
Children’s Lively Minds, Active Bodies and Tender Hearts
Join us as a member of a reflective team to observe and study children’s natural approaches to learning through play, movement and social interactions and how these are powerful tools for brain development.
Group Coaching
This series combines the benefits of one-on-one coaching, professional development workshops, and team-building experiences to support participants in a powerful way.
Visual Languages
In this series, educators will explore different materials as the team at Teaching Beyond the Square facilitates a discussion on how to lead these encounters in the classroom.
Reflective Supervision
This series will focus on the ins and outs of reflective supervision. Reflective supervision is a collaborative process between an educator and school leader that involves regular reflection on the educator’s thoughts, feelings and classroom practice.
Pedagogical Leadership
In this series, leaders and educators will deepen their understanding of pedagogy and pedagogical leadership through a social-constructivist, Reggio-Inspired lens.
Nature Educators
Participants in the Nature Educators Cohort will explore what spirituality looks like in young children and discuss tools to help children make a spiritual connection to their environment.