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The Incredible, Relational Minds of Infants

Brains of babies

In this session, MIT's Rebecca Saxe shares with us some of the discoveries and research that she shared in the 2020 Netflix series Babies. She will help participants understand the brains of babies and how they develop and process experiences. Participants will walk away with cutting edge understandings of brain development and will have a sense of how babies' brains are both similar to and distinct from the brains of adults.

Facilitated by Rebecca Saxe

Rebecca Saxe studies how people think about people.

Rebecca Saxe studies how people think about people. She is best known for her research on ’Theory of Mind’, using brain imaging in human adults and children, and on the origins of social cognition in human infants. Her TED talk about Theory of Mind has been viewed more than 3.2 million times and translated into 33 languages; and her image of Mother and Child in MRI was published in Smithsonian Magazine, and has since become iconic. She was a 2020 Guggenheim Fellow, and was awarded the 2018 MIT Committed to Caring award for graduate mentorship. She is committed to improving transparency, rigor and replicability in science, through her service on the board of the Center for Open Science, and in her role as Associate Dean of Science at MIT.

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